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Monday, August 22, 2011

Spiritual Medium

Spiritual mediums have been around for tens of thousands of years, in fact probably since man was on this planet; however modern spiritual mediums, particularly in the English language countries really trace their origins to the 19th Century.

Before this time, and even today, there were many charlatans who pretended various powers as mediums, including 'witch doctors' and conjurers, but the growth of the modern philosophical doctrine is usually traced to the French educator known as Kardec during the mid 1800's. The specific word, really just a matter of semantics, was and is objected to by some people. Spiritist mediums as described by Kardec often practice very differently from spiritual mediums.

On one level many people will say that a priest should theoretically have a 'calling' from his God to be able to translate the wishes of that god to his congregation or following. In a general sense this is indeed what his or her duty is; however on a much more personal level the task or ability of the spiritual medium, as we understand them today, is to be the communicator from one dimension to another.

The ability to become a medium is something you either have a gift for or you haven't. Rather like an excellent sportsman, the spiritual medium is born with a gift, and whether it is used or not is up to the individual. Just as there are brilliant sportsmen in the world who have never played sport, there are many potentially gifted spiritual mediums who have never, except perhaps in a very minor way, delved into the uses and possibilities of their gift.

Whilst the exact beliefs and powers of spiritual mediums vary greatly, in general they are people who are able to communicate with spirits in various ways. Sometimes this may have physical manifestations, but more usually these are people with a gift of being able to reach mentally into other dimensions such as time and space, and see or understand what is occurring therein.

It is generally known that if you have this gift and wish to use it the best way is to look for like-minded people who also have the same or similar powers and can show you how to take advantage of it. The same again as in sport where you can be a brilliant batsman and a lousy fielder, or vice versa, some spiritual mediums find that they are only able to communicate in one way or another, whilst some are able to become all-rounders, tackling the intricacies of several methods of divination, possibly all at the same time.

Some mediums are better at communicating with the past, while some can see into the future. Often spiritual mediums are conversant with horoscopes, if that is their particular field of gift, and can combine the technical knowledge of these and their calculation with their own understanding of other dimensions.

Nowadays many people are taking advantage of psychic mediums on the telephone and on the web from reputable companies specialising in this phenomenon. This private and confidential service ensures that you are talking to a genuine spiritual medium who can give you a personal service.

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